Ciao , benvenuto nel marketplace di HUI. Puoi acquistare abbonamenti alle singole app di HUI e servizi integrativi. Ogni Isola a sua volta può vendere sul marketplace Gadget, servizi, attività e intero Database o Liste di contatti.

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27/05/2019 12:30
Activities: Market
Asset: Capital

Marketplace - Level Silver (250 products, 4% transaction fee) - Monthly Subscription
490 HUI Coin - 49.00 €

Monthly subscription to the App Marketplace that allows you to sell goods and services up to 250 products, with a 4% transaction fee. You can sell your entire database, or create more than one list from the Data app, thus deciding the data set to share and its price; shortly after it will be available in this section, ready to be purchased.

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