Joiners: @Ashish, @Shubham, @Brijesh, @Ujjwala, @Gaurav, @Omkar, @Daniele and @Giovanni
Explained minor things on Intelligence
@Daniele and @Giovanni will finish testing of M5 in the morning
@Shubham is working on Mobile fixes
@Omkar will finish HUI Landing Page today nd will ping us to check it
@Ashish will send an email to @Gabriele with details of servers (AWS) for the landing
Regarding the AWS migraion for a startup, if the startup will give the OK, we will put in direct contact @ashish and the startup team in order to manage the task autonomously
Choose ’Continue and Reload’ to reflect the value (logic) in application.
Thanks to our 15 years of experience in the global startup ecosystem, we have identified the 6 key success factors of any company: Concept, Competence, Capital, Connection, Commitment, Creation.
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