Ciao , sei nel profilo di Gabriel Sandru. Visualizza tutte le Isole i cui lavora, le sue attività e i suoi asset. Potrai avere inoltre una visione su tutti i i post che ha pubblicato. Tutti i dati presenti in schermata sono automatizzati e si alimentano in base alle attività che l'utente effettua su HUI (esempio ToDo ultimate, unit delle attività...)

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Gabriel Sandru

Description of the islander:

Experienced Digital Marketer Specialist with a proven track record of success and over 2+ years of industry expertise.

Gabriel works on the following islands:

Gabriel Sandru

Gabriel’s items:


Activity of Gabriel:

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Assets of Gabriel:

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To be defined

To be defined

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To be defined


Commitment / CEO / Antique Art Pixel Museum srls

Commitment / CEO / Neteep srls

Commitment / Free-lance / Sandru Growth

Commitment / Full-time employee / Crossnova Consulting

Commitment / Funding partner / Science Economy - Non Profit Organization

Competence / Guru / Starting Growth

Competence / University degree / Digital Marketing Specialization

Competence / Work (less 5 years) / Content Marketing

Competence / Work (less 5 years) / Data Analysis

Competence / Work (less 5 years) / Digital Advertising (Google Ads, Meta Business Manager, TikTok)

Competence / Work (less 5 years) / Digital Marketing

Competence / Work (less 5 years) / Email Marketing Automation

Competence / Work (less 5 years) / Funnel Optimization

Competence / Work (less 5 years) / Growth Hacking Strategy with A/B test

Competence / Work (less 5 years) / Landing Page

Competence / Work (less 5 years) / Lead Generation B2B & B2C