Qualitative and quantitative evaluation based on Hui Model
Ciao , sei nell'isola PiQuant! Visualizza gli Islanders, le attività e gli asset dell'Isola.
Tutti i dati presenti in schermata sono automatizzati e si alimentano in base alle attività che gli utenti dell'Isola effettuano su HUI (esempio ToDo ultimate, unit delle attività...)
Per qualsiasi altra informazione contattaci o visita i tutorial nel Blog di HUI!
gibraltar, United Kingdom
QuanT’s vision is to dismantle the barriers to sophisticated trading tools and strategies, making them universally accessible for everyone and seamlessly integrated into their everyday life. Everyone should have the opportunity to benefit from curated, cutting-edge automated trading strategies that combine traditional quantitive analysis as well as Artificial Intelligence, with proven high profit-to-risk ratios.
Our mission is to offer customers an online bank, instant payments, and crypto wallet solution that, in addition to regular banking and payments operations, will allow customers to start and stop an automated trading strategy with a simple click, after having selected their risk profile and the amount they want to trade with. We aim to produce automated trading strategies backed by a combination of traditional quantitive methods and Deep Learning AI techniques, that will adapt to the different customers profiles.
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